Our goal is that everyone can create Minebase tokens. Especially for crypto newcomers we have found an easy way to enter the market
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Create tokens for free with CTP
CTP means „creative token production“
The token price arises from the fees for transactions
The earlier you start, the more tokens you can create
Open a Minebase Account
Activate your Minebase Wallet address
Create Minebase Tokens for free
This is an offer for people who have his own wallet address. In the next step everyone has the possibility to create tokens
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Buy one of our Star Packages or deposit at least 25 Token in Your Wallet.
The fee from the deposited wallet address generates you new tokens
The more tokens you hold in your wallet the more tokens you can create
You can easily pay with your credit card
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The period of time function activates automatically
You will receive $0.26 every hour
When you reach the creations price you get a Minebase token
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Choos one of our Star Packages
Earn USDT with our Global compensation Plan
You will receive a weekly commission
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